Email Templates
Request for a Maintainer
Community champions may wish to email a standard, database or policy development team to see if they can provide a maintainer for a record. You don't need to do this, but if you feel you know the resource well enough, or indeed if you know some of the developers, we would be happy for you to send them an email.
Community champions don't have access to our general email address, therefore please CC so that we can help you with any follow-ups or questions.
Suggested subject: FAIRsharing Record Query - [[Record Name here]]
Dear [[name]],
I’m contacting you on behalf of FAIRsharing[1], the online registry of research data standards, databases and policies. I’m the FAIRsharing Community Champion[2] for [[your domain here]], and as part of this programme I’m reviewing your FAIRsharing record. [[Optional sentence describing the reason for the work, e.g. curating members of a particularly-relevant collection.]] FAIRsharing’s aim is to make your resource as visible as possible to as large an audience as possible, and in order to do this, it is important to have an active contact for your prospective users.
We have a FAIRsharing record for your resource[3]. To ensure our information is as correct and up to date as possible, would you or someone from your team quickly scan the record[3] and ‘claim’ it? (To claim, see link [4] below.)
Claiming a record as either a group or an individual gives you the opportunity to make changes to the record yourself, allowing you complete control over how your resource is displayed in FAIRsharing. Maintainers are also notified if our curation team edits the record, if users ask questions, or if the record is linked from another record, such as from a journal publisher data policy. In addition, if you claim a record(s) as an individual, you can link the record to your ORCID. As long as you update your record at least once per year, then you will receive an annual "Annotation" work within your ORCID profile[5] as part of how we attribute you.
FAIRsharing is about making your resource discoverable to a variety of users, such as journals and publishers, researchers and service providers, research and infrastructure projects and programmes, as well as curators, librarians, funders and other policy makers and data scientists[6]. A contact is essential should they have any questions about your resource.
Thank you and best wishes,
[[your name here]]
[1] [2] [3] [[Link to record]] [4] For details on creating an account with us and claiming your record, please visit [5] Find out more about how we attribute you at [6]
Last updated
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