From Collections
FAIRsharing record relationships allow you to enumerate all of the standards, databases, policies and FAIR assistance components you incorporate into your collection. The corresponding Relation Graph for your record will not only showcase your resource's interoperability but also your collaborations and engagement with your community.
Our goal is to help you create a personalised slice of FAIRsharing via your collection, to showcase its attributes as well as its integration within the broader research landscape.
Full list of collection relationships
This table summarises only those relationships available from within Collection records. Other documentation in this section covers standards, databases, data policies, FAIRassist records, and organisations. The Display Location column below tells you where each relationship can be found in our record display.
Any collection to any database, standard, collection, policy, or FAIRassist record
A Collection can collect standards, databases and data policies based on a project, initiative or infrastructure
Collection search section
Any collection to any other collection
The linked resource has been retired as it is no longer active or actively maintained
General information card
You may layer these relationships to more precisely describe what is available to your users. As the maintainer of a record, choose the level of detail that best expresses the relationships your resource has with the wider research landscape.
Adding your record to a data policy that recommends it or another collection that collects it requires updates to that policy or collection; such edits cannot be performed in your own record. If you would like your record added to a policy or collection, please get in touch with our curation team.
Last updated
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